Hillside Travels
The Brief
Operating within the travel industry for over the past 20 years, Hillside Travels have been providing a variety of travel services to a client base of over 20,000.
Being such an established travel agency, they needed a website that could continue to help service their large list of clients, not only from their high-street location, but online as well.
They already had an existing website in place, but it lacked that modern touch that a lot of websites today include. A mobile responsive design, an intuitive content management system, and a booking system capable of taking customer bookings online without the hassle of a trip to their high street branch.
The Solution
Like most web projects, a complete redesign helps reframe how your business looks online from what came before. It can also become the catalyst for how your brand grows in the future.
Hillside Travels required such a design to help give their brand and current website new life to aid in the future growth of their business.
Now if you weren’t following us already, we post our website designs to our Instagram regularly. We love showing off the work we’ve been able to provide for our customers. But what we also post are unused concepts from previous clients – we hate seeing designs go to waste. A design may not work for one client, but who’s to say it won’t work for another.
So, what makes this project particularly special is that Hillside had chosen one of these unused concepts to be the template for their future design! No design goes wasted.
This meant their web project could take off immediately! A custom WordPress site, with an integrable booking system, Travelflow Special Offers, and a system to help manage and sell Hajj and Umrah tours too – A large selling point of their business.
The Result
Thanks to their choice of design, the website had everything that they required already, with room to grow as their business grows too.
Our Travelflow booking system was integrated directly onto the homepage and subsequent travel pages, allowing site visitors to go straight into an online booking. Along with our own WordPress plugin designed to showcase Special Offers configured directly from the Travelflow platform.
We included a system for them to load popular destinations their business serviced along with a post type built to load and display hajj and umrah tours.
In addition to the standard travel offerings, the site came complete with features like an interactive Google map, a subscriber form, links to social media, and links to 3rd party services their company partners with.
A speedy consultation process to a modern, responsive, WordPress website. Simple.
Check out Hillside Travel for yourself and let us know what you think.
Take a look at them now